Used industrial machinery

Buy and sell used industrial machinery for the following industries: Beverages & Liquids, Dairy & Juices, Flexible Packaging, Bottles, PET Preforms & Closures, Extrusion, Recycling, Thermoforming & Sheet, Injection Moulding, Compounding, Spares, Cardboard, Food, Paper, Others

Do you want to sell your machines?

Top Machine verifies and buys used industrial equipment with the most strict quality process.

We can guide you with expert advice

Any questions you have will be resolved by our professionals, and we will guide you step by step through the entire process of buying and selling. Leave us your contact information so we can get in touch with you. Thank you very much.


We are a world-leading company in used industrial machinery. We offer high-quality equipment and support throughout the process, including inspections, managing procedures, and organizing logistics.


We manage the process from dismantling and packaging to overseeing bureaucratic tasks and coordinating logistics. Our priority is to ensure your machinery travels securely and arrives safely.


Safe transactions are paramount. All negotiations and transactions are directly with us, ensuring you receive the agreed quantity. Every transaction is securely managed, guaranteeing a smooth, surprise-free process.


Whether buying or selling, you'll quickly free up space or have your machine inmediatley working, boosting your company's growth. Reselling assets reduces waste and promotes sustainability, ensuring a brighter future.

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